A Deep Dive Into Guatemala’s Criminal Dynamics and Its Borders

A weak state presence and widespread corruption continue to enable drug trafficking and other criminal activity in Guatemala’s border regions. Join us next Tuesday, February 2, for a discussion in which InSight Crime Co-director Steven Dudley — and investigators Héctor Silva and Alex Papadovassilakis — delve into Guatemala´s cross-border criminal dynamics. The event will be […]

A Deep Dive Into Honduras’ Criminal Dynamics and Its Borders

Honduras is a key territory for cocaine trafficking and a hub for other criminal economies, such as human smuggling and extortion. Join us next Tuesday, February 16, for a discussion in which  InSight  Crime Co-director Steven Dudley — and investigators Héctor Silva and Victoria Dittmar – delve into Honduras´ cross-border criminal dynamics. Moderated by  Kurt Alan […]

A Deep Dive Into Paraguay’s Criminal Dynamics and Its Borders

Paraguay’s commercial connections, its institutional weakness, and its rampant cannabis production have attracted transnational criminal groups, such as the PCC. Join us on Thursday, February 25, 2021, for a discussion with our co-director, Steven Dudley, alongside InSight Crime project coordinator and researcher, Ángela Olaya, and our collaborator and researcher, Carlos Peris, who will take an […]

A Deep Dive Into Brazil´s Criminal Dynamics and Its Borders

Home to some of Latin America’s most sophisticated gangs, Brazil’s criminal actors are omnipresent smugglers along the Southern Cone’s borders. Neighboring Paraguay serves as a refuge for both the gangs and white-collar criminals, including savvy operators whitewashing millions of dollars. On March 4, InSight Crime will host the latest in its series of events, entitled […]

A Deep Dive Into Argentina´s Criminal Dynamics and Its Borders

Join us on Tuesday, March 16, for a discussion with our co-director, Jeremy McDermott, alongside InSight Crime researcher, Alicia Flórez, and project coordinator, Ángela Olaya, who will take an in-depth look at organized crime in Argentina and its borders.

A Deep Dive Into El Salvador´s Criminal Dynamics and Its Borders

In El Salvador, sophisticated freight networks specialize in moving illicit drugs and contraband across Central American borders. Join us next Tuesday, March 23, for a discussion in which InSight Crime project coordinator Ángela Olaya Castro — as well as investigators Alicia Flórez and Victoria Dittmar — delve into El Salvador’s cross-border criminal dynamics. Moderated by […]

Venezuela’s Cocaine Revolution – Virtual Panel

Livestreamed in Spanish via Facebook and YouTube – REGISTRATION NOT REQUIRED

On May 4, InSight Crime will host a virtual event, featuring our Co-director Jeremy McDermott, and a panel of leading experts, Angelica Durán-Martínez, Sebastiana Barráez and Javier Mayorca, to discuss the findings of our latest investigation, "The Cocaine Revolution in Venezuela."

The Threat of IUU Fishing in Latin America and the Caribbean

Washington D.C. | American University | Butler Pavilion Board Room 600 *Advance registration required

InSight Crime and the Center for Latin American & Latino Studies at American University are holding a virtual and in-person conference to discuss findings from our joint investigation into IUU fishing in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Virtual Panel – Organized Crime in Venezuela: Challenges and Perspectives for 2024 (ES)

Watch the Event Recording (Spanish) Livestreamed via YouTube and Facebook in Spanish - No registration required The evolution of organized crime in Venezuela has reached extreme levels. The country is now a hybrid state, where the line between governance and criminality is barely perceptible. President Nicolás Maduro has promised a presidential election in 2024. Ahead of […]